Mining Incentives

Advisors (miners) are needed for the success of TweeetX, they are indispensable members of our community. We will start as a BEP 20 token, but migrate to a new proprietary DPOS protocol. There are 3 ways our advisors can earn money. The third way is also a way for all users to earn money.

Split test mining

Sharing is vital to TweeetX's development design. Miners will receive a portion of their reward as a crypto that will be shared. Separation is not a natural innate response in humans; must be learned. Since this is the case, we at want to implement this behavior in our project. Miners will receive other direct prizes, but this portion of the coin must be given to others or used for promotion within the platform.

Distribution of prizes

Miners are the other tricky part of They will validate the crypto and provide development input and product direction. Since they are key to the success of, they should be compensated for their efforts. Miners will receive a portion of their reward as crypto for their efforts and continued support.

Last updated