Nowadays the problem is that the big social networks are taking our data, which is rightfully ours, and making huge amounts of money profiting from our efforts, but we have signed away our rights. We need a new way to share thoughts, desires, transactions, doing business within the platform enabling and accepting or making payment. It took less than 10 years for money to corrupt well-intentioned companies, but they required us to register to provide our content, which we actually had protected rights to under most world governments.
However, we have given rights to nothing. They have violated our trust and taken advantage of our hard work. TweeetX believes that Gary Vee is right, that we should share our content to promote our brands, but we should not give up our rights and our profit potential in doing so.
Wozniak's comments about Facebook getting our data and making money without selling a product are spot on. TweetX will give the power back to the content creator. Power to the people, Benefits to the people, Promotion to the people.
How do you benefit from the current free social networks? Simple answer; Advertising. Advertising is a process that developed during the radio era. It evolved into the age of television. Its tentacles have also extended into the technical advancements of social media. Now we're not saying that all advertising is bad, but if the only people who benefit from advertising are centralized control marketers, then they're just a version of previous advertising methods.
We need an evolution of advertising, not just a method of paying more money to the controlling organization. They take this money and just turn a blind eye to their customers reciting, "It's just business." Let's put the power of promotion to work for users. Companies should pay you for your time because it takes time away from the things you love to do.
They have to pay you for your data that you have created.'s promotional process will reward you, the user. It takes a newly designed system that works seamlessly around all the other parts to function at its best to benefit its user. It cannot be a fixed adaptive function that serves only to ensure a one-sided money supply for manipulative companies. TweetX will harness this influential energy and bring these profits back to you where they belong. By TweetX, you will be compensated for creating your data, time spent on your experiences and sharing content.
In a word, you will be paid for every click you receive, for every experience you share and all the social needs you have missed you will find on our platform and yours.
How will TweeetX solve this problem?
You will own your content and monetize that content.
You can earn $TEEEX per share by viewing ads that show your interest. Or you can choose to skip the ads. The choice is yours.
You are in control. You decide what you want to do, what you want to watch and how you earn your tokens. We don't have a top-notch bot that optimizes your feed to sell you more stuff. At TweetX our main focus is the user: it's your time, it's your content, it's your money
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