Product description
Let's talk about "HOW" we will do this and "WHAT" are the project development goals. TweetX wants to create a social media platform where for the user, Time = Money, Sharing = Growth and Advertising = Profits. The goal is to securely monetize users of the platform and do business within the platform. In terms of competition, TweetX wants to be in the sweet spot represented by this diagram of users paying for their time, sharing, and promotional breaks.
TweeetX will have to pay fees, but we will form a micro-economy around each user so that users can earn money from several sources. The most important part of the equation is that the network must have a revenue model.
These concepts are discussed in "Who Owns the Future", by Jaron Lanier. In his book he explains that control of the data should be owned by the creator of the data and they should be paid for their content. As we'll see below, blockchain is the best way to track this and determine who should monetize that data; of course, the creator of that data. We will follow the principles in this book to guide us in the fairest and best way to evolve this project.
We will have a new look and feel similar to other standard social networking sites, but we will have the advantage of focusing on user ownership, business and monetization.
The team will create a crypto technology that tracks, shares and distributes crypto tokens. We call crypto "$TEEEX". It will start with the value of video views, which is set by YouTube at $2 per 1000 views
The team wants to decentralize control of content and data for each user. Everyone should own the content they create. Our crypto will determine who is the influencer who puts content on the TweeetX network first. If there is a dispute, we can go back to the blockchain (and also the internet) and decide the original creator. Of course, users/influencers will be paid for their content that they have developed.
The team is focusing on sharing. Users can view their favorite content and share it directly with friends. Users will earn tokens from a pool of advertisers for promotional videos that appear in their personal feed and will earn revenue from that pool which is split fairly among all active users that day. This is the revenue model for the user that sets TweetX apart from other cryptocurrencies. In the future, users can also receive shared coins from validation miners, who are mandated to share half of the coins they receive.
The team has a goal of turning ads and promotions in favor of users/influencers. It's your time on the net and you have to be paid for interrupting the videos and content you want to watch. The decentralized nature of the platform pays for some of the platform's expenses, and the savings will be passed on to users and influencers.
Advertisers have had an impact on us since the beginning of radio. Moving on to television and also to social media. Advertising has been a copycat function for a product we love. It's time to focus on the desires of users, influencers and consumers.
We want great content and we want to spend time doing the things we love. Since time is money, any interruption of time we enjoy must be compensated for our inconvenience. This is where we stand out from other social platforms. This is the income side of the equation. We can't ignore the ads. It is embedded in most of the messages we read. We must use advertising for the benefit of users and influencers. That said, if you don't want to see ads, we respect that and will let you block them if you want.
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